Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1942 1 27 413 0.079 0.043 9000 14000 0.013
1945 1 -- 413 0.087 0.829 2040 4000 0.562
1946 1 -- 413 0.089 0.379 1430 3080 0.765
1947 1 -- 413 0.092 2.595 10200 15500 0.010
1948 1 -- 413 0.094 1.837 4370 7390 0.110
1949 1 -- 413 0.097 0.767 2400 4540 0.449
1950 1 -- 413 0.099 1.199 3910 6640 0.158
1951 1 D 413 0.105 0.385 2550 4730 0.411
1952 1 -- 413 0.110 1.269 3580 6070 0.198
1953 1 -- 413 0.115 1.165 2350 4380 0.479
1954 1 -- 413 0.121 1.742 3150 5450 0.283
1955 1 -- 413 0.126 3.243 8130 12300 0.018
1956 1 -- 413 0.132 0.779 2300 4240 0.509
1957 1 -- 413 0.137 2.951 15200 21900 0.002
1958 1 -- 413 0.142 1.207 1980 3720 0.626
1959 1 -- 413 0.148 1.307 2870 5000 0.362
1960 1 -- 413 0.153 0.043 1980 3680 0.634
1961 1 E 413 0.160 1.452 4560 7280 0.117
1962 1 -- 413 0.166 0.527 2020 3690 0.631
1963 1 2E 413 0.173 0.415 850 2000 0.935
1964 1 E 413 0.180 1.015 1180 2470 0.876
1965 1 E 413 0.186 0.883 1650 3120 0.758
1966 1 -- 413 0.193 1.464 4680 7250 0.119
1967 1 E 413 0.200 1.122 2020 3580 0.656
1968 1 -- 413 0.206 1.990 2460 4180 0.522
1969 1 E 413 0.213 0.849 1220 2440 0.880
1970 1 -- 413 0.220 1.571 2670 4430 0.471
1971 1 E 413 0.229 0.425 1390 2630 0.847
1972 1 -- 413 0.239 1.330 1710 3040 0.772
1973 1 -- 413 0.248 1.317 4080 6080 0.199
1974 1 -- 413 0.258 1.138 5070 7400 0.110
1975 1 -- 413 0.267 1.345 2680 4240 0.509
1976 1 D 413 0.277 1.475 3580 5340 0.300
1977 1 E 413 0.286 1.643 1290 2350 0.894
1978 1 E 413 0.296 1.054 3800 5510 0.272
1979 1 -- 413 0.305 1.183 2750 4180 0.523
1980 1 E 1713 0.315 1.242 1960 3130 0.756
1981 1 E 1713 0.322 2.272 17300 21900 0.000
1982 1 -- 1713 0.329 0.419 3620 5170 0.330
1983 1 -- 1713 0.335 2.067 8360 10900 0.028
1984 1 -- 1713 0.342 0.928 2670 3920 0.581
1985 1 -- 1713 0.349 1.285 3120 4480 0.462
1986 1 E 1713 0.356 1.080 2320 3440 0.689
1987 1 E 1713 0.363 1.112 1710 2660 0.841
1988 1 E 1713 0.370 0.673 1090 1870 0.946
1989 1 E 1713 0.377 1.285 4160 5570 0.264
1990 1 E 1713 0.383 2.010 1950 2900 0.800
1991 1 -- 1713 0.395 3.165 6220 7980 0.083
1992 1 E 1713 0.406 3.591 1840 2690 0.837
1993 1 CE 1713 0.417 1.490 2540 3480 0.679
1994 1 CE 1713 0.428 1.537 5980 7480 0.106
1995 1 CE 1713 0.439 0.978 3780 4860 0.387
1996 1 C 1713 0.450 4.740 8710 10400 0.033
1997 1 CE 1713 0.462 2.303 5170 6300 0.184
1998 1 CE 1713 0.473 1.504 2990 3790 0.610
1999 1 CE 1713 0.484 1.700 2190 2850 0.810
2000 1 CE 1713 0.495 1.338 1980 2570 0.858
2001 1 CE 1713 0.513 0.535 2920 3550 0.663
2002 1 C 1713 0.531 2.183 4400 5110 0.340
2003 1 C 1813 0.549 1.064 2640 3110 0.759
2004 1 C 1813 0.567 1.523 4630 5170 0.327
2005 1 CE 1901 0.585 0.971 3290 3660 0.638
2006 1 C 1901 0.603 2.298 3270 3570 0.660
2007 1 C 1901 0.621 2.445 4120 4380 0.483
2008 1 C 1901 0.639 4.152 7150 7390 0.112
2009 0 C 1901 0.657 1.684 4920 -- --